1,3-Diethoxy-2-propanol | CAS:4043-59-8

We serve 1,3-Diethoxy-2-propanol CAS:4043-59-8 to global customers since 2007, Pls send inquiry to info@nbinno.com or visit www.nbinno.com our official website should you have any interests. This site is for information only.

Chemical Name:   1,3-Diethoxy-2-propanol
CAS.NO: 4043-59-8
Molecular Formula: C7H16O3
Molecular Weight: 148.20000

1,3-diethyl ether of glycerol
Glycerol α,α'-Diethyl Ether
1,3-diethyl glycerol ether

Physical and Chemical Properties:
Density: 0.95 g / cm3
Boiling point: 191-192°C
Flash point: 80.9±23.2 °C
Refractive index: 1.4120

Appearance: White powder
Moisture Content: 0.25%
Impurity: 0.3%

Packing:25 kg/drum, can also be packaged according to customer requirements
Storage:The storeroom is ventilated and dry at low temperature, and it is not easy to store for a long time to prevent the generation of peroxides.
1,3-Diethoxy-2-propanol is used to prepare 3-(4-benzyloxyphenyl)propanoic acid derivatives, useful as GPR40 receptor modulators.

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