2-Chlorobenzoyl isocyanate | CAS:4461-34-1

We serve 2-Chlorobenzoyl isocyanate CAS:4461-34-1 to global customers since 2007, Pls send inquiry to info@nbinno.com or visit www.nbinno.com our official website should you have any interests. This site is for information only.
2-Chlorobenzoyl isocyanate

Chemical Name:2-Chlorobenzoyl isocyanate
Synonyms:2-Chlorobenzoyl isocyanate
chlorobenzoyl isocyanate
o-Chlorobenzoyl isocyanate
Benzoyl isocyanate,2-chloro
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Density 1.28
Boiling Point 250ºC
Molecular Formula C8H4ClNO2
Molecular Weight 181.57600
Flash Point 95ºC
Index of Refraction 1.568
Appearance:White crystalline powder
Packing:25 kg/drum, can also be packaged according to customer requirements
Storage:Store in a cool, ventilated place
Application:Intermediate of Triflumuron(CAS:64628-44-0).

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